Post Graduate Diploma in Family Medicine


Primary Healthcare: features; organization; global perspective



Key Features:
• Primary Healthcare: features; organization; global perspective
• Dimensions of continuity of care, and the family doctor as a gatekeeper.
• Co-ordination of care and making effective referrals. illness and disease; case
• Dealing with uncertainty
• Principles of Health promotion activity

Course Description:

80% of health care needs in any nation can be taken care of by the family physician. These days everyone in India wants to be treated by the specialist since a lot of them have disposable incomes to go doctor shopping. To a layperson, it might seem like the most correct thing to do and may feel that super-specialist is very accomplished hence also the most capable to treat his disease. People don’t realize the importance of a general practitioner or family physician in their healthcare. This would discourage new medical professionals from taking up family medicine. It is just not viable for them. Family physicians are not average doctors as people would like to think. They
have a different set of skills than a subspecialist. While a subspecialist is restricted to a very narrow field of medicine the FP is trained to look at the patient as a whole.

Course Content:
• Determinants of Health
• Lifestyle factors in Health
• Child & Adolescent Health
• Women’s Health
• Geriatrics and Palliative Medicine
• Sexulllay Related Problems
• Psychiatry in Family Medicine
• Surgery in Family Practice
• Emergency Medicine
• Skin Related Problems
• Interpretation of Chest X-ray
• Certification: Cause of Death

Eligibility Criteria:
Medical graduate (MBBS) with at least 3 years of Experience as primary care physician/clinical
Certificate – You will receive a “Post Graduate Diploma in Family Medicine” (Online) after successful completion of this course.


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